
"Men who want to lead the country badly should not be trusted." -Plato

Location: binghamton, new york, United States

05 April 2007

A Very Bad Day for America

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, wears a scarf inside Ommayad Mosque during her tour at a popular market in downtown Damascus, Syria, Tuesday April 3, 2007. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in Syria on Tuesday, the highest-ranking American politician to visit the country since relations began to deteriorate four years ago. President George W. Bush criticized the trip, saying it sends mixed signals to President Bashar Assad. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)
Yup. The person who is second in line for the presidency of the United States, wearing a "scarf."
It's a hijab. It indicates submission to Islamic sharia. The mainstream media will tell you it denotes respect. I grew up believing respect cannot be demanded, it must be earned. It also indicates submission for women, who are required to wear it in the mosque. Way to go, San Fran Nan.
My understanding of the branches of government list Congress, of which Madame Speaker is a member, under the Legislative branch. The Executive branch of government is solely responsible for foreign policy. That would make Dr. Rice, Secretary of State, as the person authorized to represent our country abroad. Can you imagine the Defeatocrats' uproar if Condi were to inject herself into domestic issues??
State sponsor of terrorism. Occupiers of Lebanon for decades. Assasins of Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri. Puppet government of the Iranian mullahs. Financial backers of both Hamas and Hezbollah. Open border access for jihiadi elements into Iraq. That Syria.


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