
"Men who want to lead the country badly should not be trusted." -Plato

Location: binghamton, new york, United States

22 September 2006

Where is John Wayne, or at least Reagan!?

Another day, another Muslim outrage. Popegate? The Islamic world reacts to the allusion that it has a violent past with, (drum roll please)… more violence! The President of the United States is called “the devil” by the Venezuelan leader. The Iranian leader insults all of Western civilization, including the U.N. itself, and both win applause from “world leaders.” Keep in mind these are the people that form the Sacred Cow of liberals, when they state we need to act in accordance with "world opinion". How, on U.S. soil in a building heavily funded by the American taxpayer, and with not a peep of rebuttal from Washington? Why aren't we in the streets burning Venezuelan flags?

Have we become so utterly engrossed in personal indulgences and so separated by wedge political issues that we no longer share the common thread of our national pride?

That’s how civilizations fall-not usually through wartime defeats, but by slowing crumbling from within, one seemingly insignificant piece at a time. Perhaps a line from Dostoevsky’s “Grand Inquisitor” best describes American apathy toward the political process: “Make us your slaves, but feed us.”

BTW, Citgo gas stations are wholly owned by the Venezuelan government, so every gallon of Citgo is more petrodollars for the tinpot dictator Chavez. I am not one for boycotts, because they have never worked, but I won't be filling up my car (or bike) at Citgo and putting dollars in this footstool's pocket.


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